Practice makes perfect..ish

— 1 minute read

After the initial shock and awe of using a welder had died down a little I decided to spend some time mucking about with scraps before doing anything to go on the CB500 itself.

If at first you don't succeed

It made sense to start with some simple welds on the 2mm sheet and also the 3mm box section I had bought. Things seemed to either go pretty well or bloody awful but after a couple of hours on a Sunday afternoon I had something that looked like a "tthing".

A big ol letter H
A big ol letter H

My confidence was soaring so I decided to try making something a little more complex with the 2mm sheet. It was much much harder, the heat builds so quickly that you could easily burn straight through.

Pretty Rough Welds! :S
Pretty Rough Welds! :S

Clearly there is still practicing to do, but any progress is good and it feels like it won't take too long to get to a point where I can start the rear section. I hope so as the MOT will be due in August!